HELLO and welcome!

Thank you for taking the time to explore my website. My name is Katie Mosher. I'm in my thirties with two kids, four dogs, and a wonderful husband. Before starting my own little family, I was raised in a farming family with two parents and five children.

I would never have imagined myself creating a website like this. I'm typically the quiet gal in the group. I'm very shy, so I'm the one that doesn't say anything unless I'm spoken to or unless I am among intimate friends and family. I'm one of those people that require solid chunks of alone time to re-energize. I love reading, writing, exploring my spirituality, meditating, doing personal development activities, walking outside, etc. All of that being said, I experienced a personal mental health crisis at the beginning of 2018, which was the catalyst for setting me on a path to create the life of my dreams. I found myself sharing the tools, advice, and lessons that I learned with my family and friends when they were going through difficult times in their lives. Seeing how my experiences and tools helped them fueled me to share my experiences with the world. My initial mission for this website was to share my story and experiences with others to help other people on their journey in life. I desired to create an inspiring and uplifting web page where people could go when they needed their cups filled up or needed a different perspective on everyday things. I want to help people to grow and embrace their authenticity. I want to empower people to take back control and create the life of their dreams. I am currently posting blogs and podcast episodes for those who are not avid readers about my transformation and other everyday topics. I've also created a recommendations tab for the items that I have found immensely helpful in my self-discovery journey. You are an important, beautiful part of this world, and you do make someone's life better whether you see it or not.

Love and Light to you!

